About Us
Digital Training and Learning Resources
Dynamics Learning aims to fulfil a gap of quality resource usage of some vocational education and training sector organisations related to training, assessment and learning resources.
Off-the-shelf materials usually do not meet the high standards of operation of RTOs and their compliance requirements. While it may be cheaper, good program outcomes cannot usually be achieved without developing customised and tailored material.
Dynamics Learning is equipped with a highly skilled and experienced team of training, assessment and learning resource developers and Instructional Designers to develop quality, engaging customised and tailored RTO resources for business services training package. The team is backed by specialists and subject-matter experts in the industry.

Why Resources from Dynamics Learning Pty Ltd.
Dynamics means the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process. So, Dynamics Learning as an organisation endeavour to contribute to stimulate growth, development, or change within education and training system and process of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
What You Get
- Fully editable in doc format training and assessment resources that are well-structured, consistent and comprehensively written meeting the requirements of RTO standards and regulations
- Learner workbook in soft copy (PDF) with your logo and license to use and reproduce
- Contextualised to your institution and delivery mode
- Your institutional information, including your logo in each page
- Training package requirements are comprehensively met and mapped
Dynamics Vision
Dynamics aspire to transform the use of resources to be high quality across the industry and be a leading resource provider in the national and international education and training markets within the next 3 to 5 years.
Our mission is to develop and supply training, learning and assessment resources that are user-friendly, operator friendly and with a full coverage of regulatory requirements. Dynamics work with institutions to reduce the regulatory interventions across RTO.
Our Values
Dynamics Learning team upholds the following core values:
We develop and supply resources knowing and doing what is right and with strong moral principles being whole and undivided across the industry by:
- Being committed and setting high standards for our behaviour and sticking to them even in difficult situations.
- Being courageous by standing up for what we believe is just and good.
- Being honest by choosing words and actions that are sincere, not misleading.
- Being disciplined by remaining dedicated and self-controlled, even when challenged.
- Being resilient by learning from mistakes and losses; seizing the opportunity to improve.
We apply quality as top priority in terms of format, structure, consistency, applicable AQF level, comprehensiveness, user and operator friendliness and meeting the compliance requirements. Our resources are developed using the important factors such as:
- Validity – with resource content considering best practice in choice of task for learning outcome
- Reliability – clearly differentiating and articulating the various elements required to achieve varying levels of learning
- Currency – with be up to date and suitable to support a competency claim.
- Accuracy – being correct and precise in the subject matter.
- Relevancy – by closely connected and appropriate to the subject matter
We embrace opportunities to contribute by being HELPFUL and understanding and advancing the group’s positive goals while:
- Being conscientious and aware and careful of the choices we make.
- Being accountable by accepting that our actions impact everyone around us.
- Being persevering by working through difficulty and discouragement in pursuit of individual and team objectives.
- Being reliable proving that others can depend on us.
Treat others the way we wish to be treated accepting and supporting everyone’s worth and dignity, regardless of background, abilities or beliefs while:
- Being considerate and always aware of and honour others’ rights and feelings.
- Being attentive and ready to learn from coaches, officials and other contestants.
- Being encouraging and demonstrating concern for the growth and development of all others.
- Being appreciative and valuing the guidance of supportive adult and student leaders.
We are committed in heart and mind to act upon our emotions and our desire to provide quality resources and services fuelled by passion that will bring about the greatest results in our endeavours while:
- Being true to ourselves.
- Empowering or helping others find their passion.
- Being confident in our own judgment and decisions.
- Learning something new and imparting them to others.
Our team is ready to be helpful and useful. We supply with aid, information and other incidental services with the organized system of apparatus, packages and bundles for supplying resources required by the industry operators by:
- Collaborating with our customers to prove value through understanding and leveraging service’s most valuable asset — voice of the customer
- Being realistic or data-driven by proving value through metrics
- Providing with highest sum in transportation charges to meet compliance requirements.
We attempt to serve the common good empowering, inspiring and helping others to grow, succeed and lead while:
- Being visionary by raising expectations for ourselves and the team.
- Being interconnected by recognizing the vital link between individual effort and group achievement.
- Being generous freely contributing hard work and support to reach the team’s goals.
- Being energetic by initiating action and doing what needs to be done.